Sunday, March 30, 2008

Clothing in Ultimate- Part Two


Mr Haig brought up a very valid point regarding my last post. I created a poll asking for the best clothing company in ultimate, and I made a few errors. I didn't articulate exactly what I meant by "best" and I failed to mention a lot of ultimate specific companies (Breakmark, Fiveultimate, Daredevil, etc).

What I was really getting at was: Who will/do you want to do business with this year?

I fear that although the consumer wants to reward our ultimate businesses, we're finding it increasingly hard. The sport is getting bigger, and it is becoming increasingly more attractive to the larger non ultimate companies. More importantly, we're experiencing/hearing about many ultimate businesses which are not doing good business:
  • Poor choice and style (Anyone tired of seeing the same mesh hats??)
  • High prices and price gouging
  • Poor quality
  • Lack of communication
  • Slow delivery times, Not honoring coupons, subscriptions or orders
  • Lack of exposure and sincerity to help ultimate
With that list, how can the consumer be expected to "support the community"?

I've pointed out the bad. Hopefully other readers will be able to share some good stories about good service. Or start vocalizing what's wrong with our ultimate business.


Daredevil Discs and Apparel

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