As part of Canadian Ultimate's end of year review, I'm looking for nominees for the following awards
-Best Canadian Open Player in 2008
-Best Canadian Womens Player in 2008
-Best Canadian Coed Player in 2008
-Best Canadian Masters Player in 2008
-Best Canadian Junior Player in 2008
This includes performance in the calender year 2008.
I'll put the most popular nominees from each category in a poll and let the readers decide who would get such awards.
I'll get things started:
Open: Mike Grant
Womens: Anne Mercier
Coed: Kira Frew
Junior: Quin Rusnak
Don't know enough about Masters players so I'll avoid a nomination there.
excellent start
Open: John Hassel
Womens: i'm throwing Frew in here she played College and CLub UPA's with women
Mixed: Brendan Wong
Junior Guys: Quin Rusnak
Junior Girls: Taylor Rusnak
if we're counting worlds...
coed: wong and frew
womens: mercier
mens: mike grant
junior women: erica tucker
junior men: lloyd.. that is... if we count him as a junior becuase thats what he played as all year
if we're counting worlds...
coed: wong and frew
womens: mercier
mens: mike grant
junior women: erica tucker
junior men: lloyd.. that is... if we count him as a junior becuase thats what he played as all year
besides nats
Hassell over Grant for making UPAs as well as worlds. No doubt they both deserve it.
Given the Canadian focus I based mine largely on CUC with strong consideration for Worlds and UPA.
Hence Grant gets the nod for winning both Worlds and CUC (w/Nomads). I'll Acknowledge that Hassel was a big component of Team Canada's success, but didn't play CUC. Derek Alexander is also worth a mention as a valuable Worlds pickup, and played CUC.
Kira and Anne are placed according to Worlds and CUC participation. (Kira's UPA college championship with UBC notwithstanding)
As for best Co-ed player, clearly Wong was dominant at Worlds but didn't play CUC; Cheung was strong in both events, but I think Kira stood out most above her opponents. No surprise to have TFP represented with multiple nominations.
Junior, based on Worlds it would be Mark Lloyd but based on CUC (where Lloyd played Open) and previous play with MOFO, Quin was dominant and a game-changer.
Mike Grant didnt play CUC's with Nomads, he was just listed on their roster.
Thanks for the correction. I didn't watch enough Open at CUC, thought I just missed Grant in the 37-man roster.
I'll Give a few names for Boys and Girls for Juniors since most may not know all juniors..i'll also throw out some credentials for each. I'm going on CUC eligible Juniors since Worlds Eligible juniors were playing Open outside of worlds
Quin Rusnak: Team Canada 08 (2010 eligible) starting D-line cutter. MOFO starting o-line handler/cutter. CUC Jr. Final MVP.
Andy Siy: Team Canada 08 assistant Captain. starting o-line handler. (Most Recent World JR COTD. BC Crossfire, starting o-line handler. University of Western Ontario Freshman
Myles Sinclair: Team Canada 08 (2010 eligible)starting d-line cutter. BC Crossfires best cutter.
Taylor Rusnak: Team Canada 06 & 08.
TC Captain 2008. MOFO captain 2007&8. Great Cutter. Game changer in JRs Final. McGill
Erica Tucker: Team Canada 08 (2010 eligible) starting o-line handler. one of the best female throwers i have ever seen. DIRT
Jordan Meron: Team Canada 08 o-line cutter. Lead team canada in goals at worlds. DIRT, UWO
Chantal Africa: Team Canada 08 (2010 eligible). great shutdown defender, even better cutter once they get the turn. BC Crossfire.
if mark lloyd qualifies as a junior under the poll then the jr boys poll shoudl channged
cam harris and sean brooks, both game changers at worlds are both also very skilled
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