Sunday, July 6, 2008

Mixed Regionals Update- Quebec and Ontario


Some second hand reports of the Mixed regionals for Ontario and Quebec.

Seth Sezant Grab-
Cory Berghout Photography


According to the UPA Score Reporter, Here are the final results (original seed in brackets)

  1. Monster (1)
  2. Mayhem (4)
  3. Bytown Flatball Club (6)
  4. Liquid (2)
  5. Big Hammers (3)
  6. Tundra (5) ____________________________________________________________
  7. Zen (8)
  8. The Company (7)
  9. Big Fish (9)
Monster wins it's first regional crown, and will look to carry on the success at nationals. No team went undefeated through the tournament, so it remains to be seen who will outrank their Ontario rivals come nationals. Time to train and prepare for Cow-town.


According to OCUA fourm posts, the following four teams have qualified for nationals:


(Teams eliminated: Rockstar and Polatouches)

Given how strong RIP performed at tough, other provinces should be concerned about the fact that two teams beat RIP and will be at nationals.

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